Friday, July 18, 2014

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Reading Review

Hello everyone! Today I will be reviewing 2 books that I have recently read.

The first book that I will be reviewing is the new book Eleanor and Park by Rainbow Rowell.

This book is about two teenagers that are very peculiar and they find love in different ways, like sharing comics and music. In the story Eleanor is a girl that is typically picked on at school and has a pretty screwed up life. Park on the other hand has a generally normal family, he is the eldest of two boys. The issue with Park is that he is very different. He acts differently from other boys and is very sensitive. 
These two characters fall in love and overcome many obstacles, until it becomes too much. 

I personally loved the book, it was thrilling and very cute. It made me feel very happy because of all the very teenager things they do. I also liked the way the author picked how the characters should be. I don't know about you but I have heard of very limited love stories that involve an Asian and a red head. I personally wished that there would have been more to the book but I would still recommend this book to anyone that likes love stories, that have an unorthodox ending. 

I give the book 4 out of 5 stars.
Next book I am reviewing is It's Kinda a Funny Story by Ned Vizzini 

In this book it consist of a teenager with depression. The main character, Craig, has been dealing with depression for a couple months and decided that he cannot handle all the "Tentacles" in his life and that the only way to end the complications of his life he must end his life. Instead of taking his own life he checks himself in a adult psychiatric hospital where he meets hilarious characters and finds out that killing himself would "suck". This book takes depression and turns it for the better, Vizzini slips many jokes in here that make it a feel good book. 

I personally loved this book, it is so funny. It's twists depression to a new level. It is a very nice read, I would recommend it to anyone that enjoys sarcasm and reading. I found this book to be very amusing because Craig is someone to laugh about his security blankets are unusual and he is a very stressed teenager. I personally can relate and just laugh. Great book!

I give this book 5 out of 5 stars!

Thanks for reading my review!! ^.^
Happy readings!


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