Wednesday, April 29, 2015

Hello lovelies,

over the weekend I had went to Ulta and bought a wide range of stuff, so now I am super excited to share what I bought with you lovely people.
Some products will have their own separate review, so just stay tuned :)
Taken by Me.

Okay, let's get started.

When I went into Ulta with many intentions to splurge, I had to make sure I had to buy my favorite face wash. Biore's Deep Pore Charcoal Cleanser is the absolute best cleanser I have used. For a long time I was using Neutrogena's Invigorating Foaming Scrub mainly because of that cooling sensation, but for some reason my skin wasn't getting as clean as it made it feel. Also, it would leave my skin really dry. 

Taken by Me.

Biore's cleanser gives me that cooling sensation because of the menthol that is in the cleanser and it keep my skin the normal soft that it. When I wash it off it, water glides off my face and it makes for a really awesome makeup canvas which is awesome when it's 100 degrees in Florida at the moment.

There are many benefits for charcoal on your skin but, the one Biore is proud of is that charcoal has the ability to draw out and absorb the oils and impurities that cause breakouts and acne. 

My skin is not really one to have a lot of pimples at once- but when I do it's so very annoying because they are not merciless, they hurt so bad :c- but only because I use this to prevent it. I have normal skin, I am not saying this is your perfect product but try it out if you are having trouble finding your no. 1 product. 

Since we are talking about faces one thing that was so difficult for me to find was moisturizer for the day time. Especially because in the summer time, I wanted to find one with SPF but that wasn't going to melt underneath my makeup. When I was at Ulta one of the floor associates she tried to sell me Benefit's moisturizer that was $32, I tested it and knew that it would be way too heavy for my skin, and I am not balling in dough like that so I swerved on over to Neutrogena to see what they had to offer.
Taken by Me.

I bought Neutrogena's Oil-Free Moisturizer with SPF 35. When I saw it I was happy that it was $11.99 and that the SPF 20 more factors than Benefit's because I get really red from just standing in the sun for a minute. So it claims that it is oil-free and that it absorbs very quickly while still being able to protect you from the premature signs of aging and from the harmful UV rays of the sun. 

If you want to see what I think of this product click here :) .
Taken by Me.

Next I bought NYX's Angel Veil makeup primer. I have tried Lancome's makeup primer that is oil free and I personally don't like it because it isn't absorbed fully by my skin probably because it was too heavy. Also because it's getting to that summer time in Florida, I wanted something lightweight that would make my makeup last. Plus I am very big fan of NYX cosmetics, I am in love with everything matte that they have.

It claims to be a primer that "perfects" your skin while being able to create a comfortable canvas and that "makes makeup last with a satin smooth finish".

If you want to see my review on this product click here ") .
Taken by Me.

I also bought Sally Hansen's Miracle Gel nail polish in Blacky O because I just like that color (or mixture of multiple colors). It's pretty okay, I wouldn't compare it to a salon or the one's that need a UV/LED light but it dries very fast which is super convenient.
Taken by Me.

Okay so this next product is very popular in the beauty world and I hadn't really believed everyone that this product really is what they say it is.

I purchased Too Faced's Better than Sex Mascara. I had seen so many people review this mascara on YouTube from hauls but, I never understood why it was so great and fantastic especially because $21 could have gotten me 3 different types of mascara. I got it because I have this problem when I put on mascara and my lashes look like spider's legs.
Taken by Me.

If you want to see my review on this product, click here (-.^) .

Next I bought Lorac's TANtalizer Highlighter & Matte Bronzer Duo.
Taken by Me.

I really love contorting and highlighting because of the accentuation they do, but I never found the right highlighter. I think it does a pretty good job but my highlighter brush is full of bronzer because I used it for contoring so once I clean it-if ever- I will be able to judge the product accordingly.

I bought quite a few lip products and they include Rimmel's 16 HR Provocalips lip gloss, Exaggerate Lipliner, and Revlon's Lipstick.

Rimmel's Provocalips lip gloss review.

I am really digging the whole nude lips and I especially like the dark reddish nude colors, so if anyone knows about some really good one's let me know :D

Thanks for reading, the links will soon be active later on tonight sit tight.

Friday, April 10, 2015

Hello my lovely readers,
personally I don't even know how to begin this post. Most younger women such as myself are often excited to talk about this topic but for some reason, I am not all that excited. 

Okay... let's talk about tattoo's. So when I hear the words I think art, expression, individuality, and a lot of mystical meanings. Some might think young, foolish, immature, waste of money, rebellion, and all these other negative connotation. Others think it's just a tattoo. Which is fine, but why is it that getting a tattoo is a big deal? I am not talking about planning the tattoo, I am talking about planning you life after the tattoo. Which may not seem like a big deal for some people but then is for others. 

I wrote an essay about people who either can't get jobs because they had tattoos and how there is no protection for that, also I presented this argument in 10th grade even though my horrible English teacher didn't really care to listen to my group's argument and support. I guess she felt that it wasn't as important as human trafficking; which is not equally as important but deserved the same amount of attention. I remember this really annoying, know it all girl said that she wouldn't let her child go to a pediatrician that looked like Birdman.  I would have liked to say to her that she rather go to a pediatrician that looks the part but treats you child for polio when your kid just has a little cold, but unfortunately our Jesus freak teacher cut us off and told us to take our seats. 

Personally I feel like that is just as bad as saying you don't want an Indian doctor looking at your kid because of what they have on their skin. I could careless what doctors have on their skin, just get whatever needs to be done and make sure it's right. 

It's an unfortunate truth that many people think like that 16 anal retentive girl. I don't really know where the thought is heading in the years to come because my generation can be super open-minded but at the same time so closed and narrow minded. I know what a lot of adults are thinking though and I hear you. You think that this is some sort of rebellion and revelation for your kids, that we have too many privileges, and how we want too much. Well I get it, you really just want us to be normal heterosexual with clear skin, two and half kids, and all that other social norm bull crap beings that you grew up to know and love. I am not trying to attack the belief systems of others, I am not trying to change reasoning's, I am simply talking.

I think it would be preposterous to get a tattoo in spite of someone, what would I gain from that? Pride? I think I have enough of that already, I feel like tattoo's are something that should be experienced but are often not and that's okay too. There are many indulgences in this world that should be explored but are often prevented because of what other's will do or think. It's hard to learn to not give a crap about what people think about you especially family. But at the end of the day you're the person living with either the regret or the satisfaction about a new experience. 

By the way, I totally want a tattoo or five in the near to distant future.

Thanks for reading, feel free to follow me on Google+.

Sunday, April 5, 2015

Hello lovelies, 

So I just wanted to let you know that I have recently purchased some games :)
So Target had a really nice sale this week where customers can buy one game and get another game for 50% off. Now I don't know about you but that sounds pretty great to me. 

So at Target I bought Kingdom Hearts Remix 2.5 for my PlayStation

and Far Cry 4

I have never played the first Kindom Hearts for the PS2 but one of my friends introduced me to the series and I am in love. Kingdom Hearts Remix 2.5 has three different sets of games from the series, what happens is what I hope to find out because it's not like the versions that you can play on the PS3 because they are a bit different. I would recommend Kingdom Hearts to anyone, including my zombie obsessed little sister who hates games that are girly and easy. But it's such a beautiful game and Utada Hikaru's voice just gets you in the right feels and with Disney being a part of the game it's super family friendly.

Far Cry 4 is a game I'd never thought I would get because I am really bad at shooting, aiming, and fighting usually because I get scared or anxious and sometimes I am just really bad at games like this. But I saw my brother and older cousin play it and I was just amazed and so I thought I would get it because it was a happening game so why the hell not. I have never played and of the other Far Cry games but I guess I'll learn as I go.

The last game I purchased from the PlayStation store is Journey. Journey is the beautifully crafted game that just takes you to a whole new world of gaming. It's serene but not boring and it's a nice little quick play. I have only ever thought of buying the game and now that I am finally playing it, I feel so happy. It's so beautiful and just ugh. I have yet to complete it but I can already understand why this game had won and been nominated for so many awards.

What kind of games do you guys enjoy, play, or want to play but are scared or unsure? Let me know in the comments.

Thanks for reading, feel free to follow me on Google+!

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Flagship Phones

Hello lovelies,
So recently at Mobile World Congress Barcelona, many cellular companies announced their flagship phones for the 2015 year. Flagship cell phones are the phones that companies release and they are usually a follow up from the last generation phone. Famous flagships include, iPhone, Samsung Galaxy, HTC One, and others. 

This year Samsung released the specks and designs of their flagships. Samsung has come out with the Galaxy S6 and the Galaxy S6 Edge. The S6 was long rumored to have some crazy features and wacky designs. When Samsung released the Note 4 Edge there were many rumors that said that Samsung would only make that version, but me knowing better, no one who respects Samsung would fly with that. Samsung has really updated their flagship and they really have listened to their customers. 

The new S6 and S6 Edge come in four colors which is a nice change from just black and white, and if you were lucky gold. The four colors are black, white, gold(ish), and a deep blue. Speaking of change, Samsung has gotten rid of the removable back as well as, the compartment to add memory with a micro SD card. Samsung said that they were waiting to do this until they were sure that there would be no malfunctions with the phone. Personally I don't like that you are unable to add memory but I completely understand why they did that, as a lot of customers requested a thinner phone.
They gladly cut back on TouchWiz which is a super crappy software that Samsung persistently continues to use, I have no idea why they couldn't have made it better or just remove it all together.

Personally I would not get this phone only because I have an S3 and there are just too many issues with it and it drives me crazy. It will glitch like crazy and can't work as fast as me and unfortunately, I can no longer receive the latest Andriod updates. 

Although the S6 Edge is tempting, I feel like trying out a new company. Which I'll talk about next week.
Thanks for reading!
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