Sunday, April 5, 2015

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Flagship Phones

Hello lovelies,
So recently at Mobile World Congress Barcelona, many cellular companies announced their flagship phones for the 2015 year. Flagship cell phones are the phones that companies release and they are usually a follow up from the last generation phone. Famous flagships include, iPhone, Samsung Galaxy, HTC One, and others. 

This year Samsung released the specks and designs of their flagships. Samsung has come out with the Galaxy S6 and the Galaxy S6 Edge. The S6 was long rumored to have some crazy features and wacky designs. When Samsung released the Note 4 Edge there were many rumors that said that Samsung would only make that version, but me knowing better, no one who respects Samsung would fly with that. Samsung has really updated their flagship and they really have listened to their customers. 

The new S6 and S6 Edge come in four colors which is a nice change from just black and white, and if you were lucky gold. The four colors are black, white, gold(ish), and a deep blue. Speaking of change, Samsung has gotten rid of the removable back as well as, the compartment to add memory with a micro SD card. Samsung said that they were waiting to do this until they were sure that there would be no malfunctions with the phone. Personally I don't like that you are unable to add memory but I completely understand why they did that, as a lot of customers requested a thinner phone.
They gladly cut back on TouchWiz which is a super crappy software that Samsung persistently continues to use, I have no idea why they couldn't have made it better or just remove it all together.

Personally I would not get this phone only because I have an S3 and there are just too many issues with it and it drives me crazy. It will glitch like crazy and can't work as fast as me and unfortunately, I can no longer receive the latest Andriod updates. 

Although the S6 Edge is tempting, I feel like trying out a new company. Which I'll talk about next week.
Thanks for reading!
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